Monday, October 17, 2005

So, this is what I'm going to do until I finally get the feel of this place. I discovered awhile back that my blog on another site was pretty much futile, or at least, just not getting read because it sucked. Ha.....
so I will be copying other blogs onto this one, until I've caught up, and feel that this blog is a good enough reflection of me and all of my random glory.
Here's one......~Jill's Gem of the Day~

Setting- Jill's busy workplace on a busy night.
Scene- Jill, coworker Britney, and Coworker Number Two*for safety's sake.....we'll shorten that to CNT........*i tickle myself to no end.* Standing in line, waiting for a computer to open up......
CNT is 19....Jill and Britney...slightly older.; )

Britney says, "Hey, I've been asked 4 times this past month to go to Las Vegas."
Jill says, "Oh, that's weird, I was asked to go to Vegas to make up for my convention being canceled in New Orleans."
Britney says, "Oh, that's weird. I heard that they are going to reschedule Mardi Gras there next year."
Jill says, "Really? I heard them talking about it being in Baton Rouge next year."
Britney says, "Hmmm, I don't know. I just heard them say they were thinking of having it in Las Vegas, right on the strip."
CNT says-
"That's so stupid.
Why would they do that? Mardi Gras isn't even IN California."
there it is...your moment of Zen.....
weep for the schools of today, folks....weeeeeeeeeeep.

*me? I laughed like I hadn't laughed in weeks.......*


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